Internal Family Systems (IFS) Creator, Dick Schwartz Not Truthful About Past
We've found the videos and the websites that refute his recent claims about involvement at Castlewood.
"Not everyone is so enthused about IFS. It has its skeptics and critics, too, some emerging from a scandal at a St. Louis eating disorder clinic called Castlewood. In 2011 and 2012, former Castlewood patients filed suit alleging that they had been pressured into recovering memories of childhood abuse that had not in fact occurred. Richard Schwartz had spent a year and a half at Castlewood training its staff in IFS therapy at the invitation of the clinic’s directors, Lori Galperin and Mark Schwartz (no relation). Though Schwartz did not himself treat patients at Castlewood, IFS played a role in patients’ negative experiences there. Schwartz is dismayed by what happened at Castlewood, which he calls a misuse of IFS. He says he has no present relationship with Mark Schwartz and Lori Galperin. “In what I teach and what I do myself,” Schwartz says, “when [a patient] comes up with memories that they didn’t have before, I take the position that we can’t know whether they’re true or not without corroboration.”
-Ben Blum Jul 21, 2020 Elemental OK, Dick... explain this workshop with Mark Schwartz & Lori Galperin from Harmony Place Monterey from 2019?
Click below for the original article
Inside the Revolutionary Treatment That Could Change Psychotherapy Forever IFS therapy is upending the thinking around schizophrenia, depression, OCD, and more Or this one with Richard Schwartz and Lori Galperin in 2017??

Treatment of Trauma Internal Family Systems recent advances
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Author and Founder of Internal Family Systems Therapy, Dr. Richard Schwartz will be presenting with Harmony Place Monterey Co-director Lori Galperin, LCSW at the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History on Thursday, February 16, at 8:00 a.m.
Treating Complex Trauma: Mark F. Schwartz, Richard C. Schwartz, Lori Galperin
Links to videos featuring Dick Schwartz praising Castlewood Treatment Center They are little rough quality wise - needed to do a screen record to secure the content.
Castlewood Treatment Brochure 2010

Castlewood Treatment Center Website in 2011 - Listed as a staff therapist and group facilitator