CA Licensing Board Issues Citation and Fine to Mark Schwartz for Lying
Updated: May 18, 2021

AND...Mark is not licensed as a Psychologist in California, he only holds a certification as a Marriage and Family Counselor.

Cause for Citation: The Board’s investigation revealed that the Missouri State Committee of Psychologists took disciplinary action against your psychologist license, license number 01565, on April 19, 2017. Specifically, your license was censured. The censure was the result of you having violated Missouri Revised Statutes sections 337.035, 2., (5), and (6).
A review of the Board’s records could not locate any case regarding the disciplinary action having been reported to the Board within 30 days of it occurrence, as is required by California Code of Regulations section 1845(g)(2).
A review of the license renewal application you submitted on February 1. 2019 resulted in the discovery that you answered “No" to the question that stated, “Since your last renewal, have you had any license disciplined by a government agency or other disciplinary body; or, have you been convicted of any crime in any state, the U.S.A. and its territories, military court or foreign country?”
In your response to the Board about having neither reported the disciplinary action within 30 days of its occurrence nor on the license renewal application you submitted on February 1, 2019, you stated that you had informed the Board about the censure on a previous renewal application, but you could not locate the file regarding that disclosure."' Additionally, you indicated you had answered “No” to having had a license disciplined.
Order to Pay Administrative Fine:
In addition, you must pay an administrative penalty (fine) in the amount of $2,000.00, within 30 days from the date this citation was served, but no later than August 21, 2020.
download full citation .pdf below