Castlewood Treatment Center - In Their Own Words Part III
Updated: Feb 5, 2022
You are NOT Alone!

Amy Kelly Fedor reviewed Castlewood Treatment Center on Facebook, November 29, 2016 — 1 star
I wish I could write a book about what Castlewood did to my family and me. 12 years after being there, not only do I still deal with the ramifications of what was done to me, but so do 2 innocent children. I was one of many who was made to believe I had DID and suffered unimaginable things at the hands of innocent people. I lost 2 of my children, almost my entire family, and worst of all, I almost lost my life. My eating disorder plummeted during my stay there and I was tube fed twice. I am lucky that most of my family has accepted me back and I made a new life for myself. I don't negate those who think the facility has helped you...that's awesome for you and I hope it really did and you are still not in the midst of a battle. Please...for those looking into this facility...parents looking to put your children here, especially...please think twice...please research more...please don't let happen to my family, happen to you.
November 28, 2016 - Ro Cary
I agree with everything you have written. It's all true. I was brainwashed and witnessed all of this first hand and in my own treatment in 2005, 2009 and 2010. Castlewood is the nightmare of my life. Six years out and I'm still undoing the damage.
Lisa Garrison Krug - November 29, 2016
I also agree with everything you have written. Some things just don't change, and Castlewood Treatment Center has been bad for a long, long time. ....Many people walk in with a simple eating disorder and walk out with three, four or five separate mental health diagnosis's. ..very true statement right there. My daughter was one of those people and it took years to recover from what Castlewood did to her. To this day we can still not discuss all of what happened to her there and it's been years since she has left there. She was there from end of 2010 to July of 2011.
Irene Lerz - Jan 9, 2014
St. Louis Dispatch Comments Section
If you suffer from an eating disorder, PLEASE get help, but not at the Castlewood Treatment Center. There are plenty of reputable treatment centers out there. It's just not worth the risk to look for help at Castlewood. Maybe they have helped some people, but they are also responsible for harming dozens of patients and their families. I know first hand the damage that can be done. And don't be fooled by the "resolution" of these lawsuits - they were NOT dismissed for cause, there was a LARGE settlement paid to these plaintiffs.
Lisa Garrison Krug · Dec 20, 2013
St. Louis Dispatch Comments Section
Nobody ever claimed that abuse doesn't happen, it does! But for a ten bed facility to have so many people suddenly diagnosed with DID and sexual assaults, who were never diagnosed at previous treatment centers is a little unusual, and maybe the connection is that the other treatment centers didn't use "Parts Therapy" which is not evidence based, and hypnosis, oh wait Castlewood claims they don't use hypnosis even though their website used to have hypnosis listed as a method of treatment and Mark Schwartz clearly states the use of hypnosis in a promotional video for Castlewood. Hmmm kind of makes you wonder, doesn't it? Maybe, just maybe something is not right over at Castlewood. Maybe that something was Mark Schwartz and his wife, maybe they were making a lot of money milking insurance companies for every penny they could get. Maybe they have been removed for a very good reason.
Becky Davenport · December 18, 2013
In 1993, Mark Schwarz was in the credits of a documentary entitled "Search for Deadly Memories" which featured a young woman in a Texas hospital who was strapped to a bed and pumped full of narco-hypnotics in order to "help" her retrieve "repressed memories". Then, there was the 1998 lawsuit against Two Rivers when he was the director there - as a previous poster mentioned was documented in the "Could it be Satan" article in 2000. Now, more than a decade later, he's accused of the same thing at Castlewood. But we're to believe that has nothing to do with why he suddenly left Castlewood in the middle of those lawsuits? I suggest that if Castlewood's CEO wants to address the concerns of others, she utilize the email address provided by those united families and put her answers to their concerns in writing.
Eddy Cara reviewed Castlewood Treatment Center — 1 star
November 21, 2016
As a journalist who has investigated the Castlewood center, I remain thoroughly unconvinced that the same elements that led to multiple women suing the clinic for negligent malpractice have been fully cleansed from the current leadership. Especially since several major figures have been employed since the early 2000s, when Mark Schwartz and Lori Galperin ran the clinic.
I don't profess to know how patients are currently treated, but I do recommend any prospective patients or families read up on the center's lawsuits before making their minds up. Including my work, The Most Dangerous Idea in Mental Health, published in Pacific Standard Magazine in 2014.