Alsana Castlewood Clients Speak Out About Abusive & Unethical Therapy
Alsana Castlewood Treatment Center Patients speak out about abusive and unethical therapeutic practices that are still be used despite multi

Excerpt From Excellent Article in the St. Louis Dispatch
In the lush hills overlooking Castlewood State Park, a secluded clinic attracts people from across the country who have tried and failed...

More Bad Reviews for Castlewood
Anonymous ★ Just to be very clear my review is speaking to things I know to be going on at Castlewood right now, 2017. This place is one...

How Mark Schwartz & Lori Galperin took the sex research of Masters & Johnson and turned it i
Article about William Masters & Virgina Johnson grooming Mark Schwartz & Lori Gal[perin to continue their research, but instead the

Second Woman Claims Clinic Gave Her “False Memories” of Satanic Rituals
A second woman has filed a malpractice lawsuit against a Castlewood treatment center, claiming she was hypnotized into false memories of abu