Schwartz & Galperin Gone From Castlewood Treatment Center
All four of the former Castlewood Treatment Center patients claim they were given false memories of past abuse, two of them claim the false

Second Woman Claims Clinic Gave Her “False Memories” of Satanic Rituals
A second woman has filed a malpractice lawsuit against a Castlewood treatment center, claiming she was hypnotized into false memories of abu

Castlewood Treatment Center Sued Hypnotist for Alleged Satanic Ritual Abuse
A Minnesota resident, Lisa Nasseff (31) is suing Castlewood Treatment Center in Ballwin for allegedly treating an eating disorder with...

Update on Castlewood Treatment Center Lawsuit: Other Ex-Patients Come Forward to the Press
According to St. Louis Today (stltoday.com), other ex-patients of Castlewood Treatment Center are now coming forward to the press, with thei

Other women come forward in Castlewood Treatment Center Lawsuit
In the lush hills overlooking Castlewood State Park, a secluded clinic attracts people from across the country who have tried and failed...

Castlewood Treatment Center Psychologist Under Fire For Planting Satanic Cult Memories
The Castlewood Treament Center lawsuit states she was treated for anorexia with psychotropic drugs and hypnosis, which brainwashed her into