Recent messages from Castlewood & Mark Schwartz Victims
Here are some excerpts from messages sent to CVU recently. It's important information for all of us know about. Names have been...

More Bad Reviews for Castlewood
Anonymous ★ Just to be very clear my review is speaking to things I know to be going on at Castlewood right now, 2017. This place is one...

Co-Founder of Castlewood Victims Unite Reviews Castlewood Treatment Center
For reasons we can only speculate about, all of the reviews were yanked from the Castlewood Treatment Center's Facebook page last night.

A New Review of The Castlewood Treatment Center — 1 star
They are very dangerous and should not be in business. Please please please - go somewhere else. Do not get sucked into the world of the Cas

Castlewood Treatment Center attempts to Hide D.I.D. and Hypnosis Treatment
Castlewood Treatment Center claims that they do not use hypnosis anymore, so they rebrand it as "guided imagery therapy" instead. The new C

High Prevalence of Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D.) at the Castlewood Treatment Center
According to therapists who use it, hypnotism provides a method for allowing different personalities to appear. It has been shown, however,