What Really Happens at Alsana Castlewood Treatment Center for Eating Disorders??
A brave former patient shares her experience at Castlewood, now known as Alsana, from a recent stay (long after Mark and Lori left)

The Devilish Trio of Eating Disorders Treatment
Dr. Mark F. Schwartz, ScD. Lori Galperin, MSW & Dr. Richard C. Schwartz, Ph.D., have an unsavory history. All are working in the Mental...

Alsana Castlewood Treatment Center Lawsuit #2 - Leslie Thompson
During a stay at Castlewood aka Alsana to treat an eating disorder, Leslie Thompson was falsely led to believe she had been sexually abused

Castlewood Treatment Center Victims In Their Own Words Part II
Castlewood Treatment Center is doing it again. They are diagnosing an exceptionally large number of people with DID which is then "helping"

Castlewood Treatment Center - In Their Own Words Part III
You are NOT Alone! Amy Kelly Fedor reviewed Castlewood Treatment Center on Facebook, November 29, 2016 — 1 star I wish I could write a...

Review of Alsana aka Castlewood States that DID and Recovered Memory Therapy Still Used
In response to Deanna’s claim that that is not a current review of this program here is a current review 1. They use hardly any evidenced...